Pure Sinewave vs Modified Sinewave Inverters

Pure sine wave inverters and modified sine wave inverters are both types of inverters that convert direct current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity, but they do so in slightly different ways.

Pure sine wave inverters produce a waveform that is a perfect sine wave, which is similar to the waveform of the electricity that is supplied by utility companies. This type of waveform is considered to be the “cleanest” form of AC power and is suitable for powering sensitive electronic equipment such as computers and televisions. Pure sine wave inverters are generally more expensive than modified sine wave inverters.

Modified sine wave inverters, on the other hand, produce a waveform that is a square wave or a modified sine wave. This type of waveform is not as clean as a pure sine wave, and can cause some electronic equipment to operate less efficiently or even damage them. Modified sine wave inverters are less expensive than pure sine wave inverters and they are suitable for powering devices such as lights, power tools, and motors.

In summary, if you need to power sensitive electronic equipment, a pure sine wave inverter is the best choice. If you’re looking to power less sensitive equipment such as lights and motors, a modified sine wave inverter is suitable and more cost effective.

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