Safeguarding Solar Systems: PVStop and ArcBox – Your Best Defense Against PV Array Risks

At LTV Technology and Supplies, we are committed to enhancing safety and efficiency in the world of solar energy. Photovoltaic (PV) systems have emerged as a sustainable solution for harnessing solar power, but they come with their own set of challenges. In this article, we shed light on two crucial products, PVStop and ArcBox, which play a pivotal role in mitigating risks associated with PV arrays.

Understanding the Challenge

PV arrays generate clean energy from the sun, but they also carry inherent risks. One of the primary challenges arises from the nature of solar panels themselves. In a matter of seconds, the voltage in a PV array can drop, and the current can decrease to nearly zero, especially during quick applications over the middle of the panels. While regulations and maintenance efforts address some of these risks, human factors, corrosion, and neglect can still pose threats to the safety of these systems.

Regulators and authorities have been diligently working to improve the safety of PV systems, but immediate action is also essential. In this context, products like PVStop offer a powerful solution to combat these risks effectively.

PVStop: Rapid and Reliable

PVStop is the fastest and most effective way to disconnect the power source in a PV array system. Given that the sun is the source of power, no electrical device can fully replicate this function. PVStop is available in 9kg and 4.5kg fire extinguisher bottles and acts as a water-based isolating coating compound.

The beauty of PVStop lies in its simplicity. You don’t need a technical background to apply it. After a quick application, the voltage dramatically drops to a safe level, and more importantly, the current is reduced to almost zero amps. No power means no threat. Following the initial application, panels can be sprayed to cover the entire surface, bringing both voltage and current down to zero. This protective coating can last for up to a year if needed, and when the system is safe again, it can be easily removed and disposed of safely.

ArcBox: Tackling Connector Challenges

Another significant risk factor in PV systems is the quality and maintenance of connectors, particularly MC4 connectors. Research and data have shown that many PV system fires originate from issues related to these connectors. The problem isn’t solely the connectors themselves but also human errors during installation and the prevalence of subpar connectors in the market.

ArcBox, developed by Viridian, plays a crucial role in addressing these concerns. During commissioning, issues related to connectors might not be readily apparent, but they can become risks after a few years due to corrosion and poor maintenance practices.

MC4 connectors are designed with rubber seals to prevent moisture ingress. However, during installations or subsequent maintenance, these connectors are often taken apart and reconnected, compromising the integrity of the seal. Over time, this can lead to corrosion and arcing, which can ultimately result in fires.

High-quality MC4 connectors undergo rigorous testing, including water and high-temperature flame retardant tests to ensure they are suitable for outdoor use. However, even these connectors can deteriorate over time, depending on environmental factors.

In regions with high UV exposure like South Africa, maintaining and replacing connectors and safety equipment is essential due to the harsh conditions. The intense UV radiation can accelerate wear and tear on PV components.


PV arrays offer a promising avenue for clean energy generation, but they also present safety challenges that cannot be ignored. Products like PVStop and ArcBox provide practical solutions to minimize risks associated with these systems.

By swiftly disconnecting power sources and addressing connector-related issues, we can significantly reduce the chances of PV system fires and improve the overall safety and reliability of solar energy systems. It’s imperative for regulators, insurance companies, and industry associations to promote and endorse these products to safeguard properties and lives.

At LTV Technology and Supplies, we remain committed to promoting the safe and efficient use of solar energy. Contact us today to learn more about how PVStop and ArcBox can enhance the safety of your PV array systems. Together, we can harness the power of the sun responsibly and sustainably.

Articles: 48

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