Ensuring PV Safety: Webinar with International Experts on Risks and Solutions for First Responders

Date: 5th December 2023 | Time: 09:00 South Africa Time


The global push for renewable energy, driven by initiatives such as the UN 2030 targets to reduce CO2 emissions, has seen remarkable progress. However, as we approach the end of 2023, challenges persist, with load shedding issues in countries like South Africa. The solar industry, in particular, has experienced exponential growth, installing a staggering 4500MW of PV systems in the first 9 months of the year. Amidst this growth, it’s crucial to address safety concerns for first responders, who play a pivotal role in emergencies involving photovoltaic (PV) systems.

The Need for PV Safety:

While the statistics on fires within PV systems are minimal, even a small percentage can result in a significant number of incidents globally. The evolving regulations and constant influx of new products into the market demand a focus on the safety of those responding to emergencies involving PV installations. In the fast-paced world of solar technology, it’s essential to equip first responders with the means to rapidly and safely de-energize PV systems.

Webinar Focus: PV Safety – Risks and Solutions for First Responders

On the 5th of December 2024, at 09:00 South Africa Time, PV industry experts Jim Foran, Director at PVStop International Pty Ltd (Australia), and Alex Keene, European Sales & Marketing Manager at PVStop International Pty Ltd (UK), will host a webinar titled “PV Safety – Risks and Solutions for First Responders.” With their extensive experience collaborating with first responders globally, they will shed light on the challenges faced and present an innovative solution: PVSTOP.


PVSTOP is a cutting-edge light-blocking compound designed to rapidly, effectively, and safely de-energize PV arrays. Already in use by several fire brigades worldwide, PVSTOP ensures that first responders can perform their duties without unnecessary risks associated with PV system emergencies.

Webinar Details:

  • Date: 5th December 2024
  • Time: 09:00 South Africa Time
  • Presenters: Jim Foran (PVStop International Pty Ltd, Australia) and Alex Keene (PVStop International Pty Ltd, UK)
  • Topic: PV Safety – Risks and Solutions for First Responders
  • Q&A Session: A chance for participants to engage with the experts after the presentation

Who Should Attend:

This webinar is a must-attend for anyone involved in the renewable energy sector (installation or distribution), individuals with PV systems on their premises (commercial or residential), professionals in the insurance, fire and safety industries, and, most importantly, first responders. The insights shared will be invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of PV safety.

Looking Ahead: PV Safety Conference in March 2024

This webinar serves as a precursor to our larger initiative – a PV Safety Conference scheduled for March 2024 in South Africa. The conference will focus on education, prevention, and the safety of first responders. Registration for the conference will be available in February 2024.

Johan Bosman
Johan Bosman
Articles: 4

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